Chek Practitioner

Chek Practitioner Beverly Hur in Santa Barbara, CA

Beverly Hur, Holistic Health Lifestyle Coach and certified CHEK Practitioner in Santa Barbara, CA, brings a wealth of knowledge to her practice. Her certification equips her to identify signs and symptoms of potential disorders that could hinder rehabilitation. She can connect clients with the right professionals if needed to ensure desired outcomes are achieved.

CHEK Holistic Health

CHEK stands for Corrective, Holistic, Exercise, and Kinesiology. Holistic Lifestyle Coaching (HLC) is a proven system developed and honed by Paul Chek over three decades. Central to HLC is the 'CHEK 4 Doctors' system, a comprehensive evaluation and structured coaching process designed to enhance every aspect of a client's health and well-being.

Holistic Health Lifestyle Coach

Beverly Hur, Holistic Health Lifestyle Coach and certified CHEK Practitioner in Santa Barbara, CA, brings a wealth of knowledge to her practice. Her certification equips her to identify signs and symptoms of potential disorders that could hinder rehabilitation. 

She identifies postural imbalances and writes a corrective exercise program to fit her clients’ unique needs, turning a training program into a “prescription.” As a result, her clients experience better posture and mobility, thereby eliminating the pain caused by such imbalances. From there her clients can achieve their fitness goals, whether it’s building muscle, sport enhancement, improving their golf game or simply playing with their children and grandchildren! She can connect clients with the right professionals if needed to ensure desired outcomes are achieved.

The CHEK Method: Your Path to Holistic Health

Discover the science of living well with holistic health lifestyle coach Beverly Hur. The CHEK Method she employs provides anyone with a systematic and highly effective approach to achieving breakthrough living.

Areas of your life that will be addressed are:

  • Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology
  • Lifestyle Management

Discover breakthrough healing with Certified CHEK Practitioner and Holistic Lifestyle Coach Beverly Hur, where your complete health is her priority. If you want to learn more about the CHEK method, call Beverly Hur in Santa Barbara, CA. She can help you achieve optimal wellness for breakthrough living. Call now at (805) 626-8881.

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